Thankful For My School

When Jordan was little he had the most magical elementary school experience. One that I took for granted at first. I thought he lucked up with a string of great teachers, but it was so much more than that. 

As the years go by and I interact more with other schools I realize that what we have at Suter is not common. Don't get me wrong, there are amazing teachers everywhere. Leland had some of kindest, most patient women I've ever met for pre-k. That school as a whole was just not the same. 

We've been through a lot during our time at Suter. Jordan started kindergarten in the old building and then moved to the new one. I enjoyed being a parent volunteer in his classroom until I had Leland. We were always at school for different events and extra-curriculars. We have watched amazing teachers and staff come and go. Then when Jordan moved on to middle school Leland started there. We went through all the covid chaos and survived. And now I work at the very place I have loved all these years. 

Working at a school is hard. It's a lot of weight to carry around. What could I have done differently today? What can I do to help that student meet his goal? How can we make this child's experience better? And it doesn't turn off when we go home. I think about our students all the time, even when I'm with my own kids. 

Sometimes the days seem really long, and it's frustrating that retail and fast food workers get paid more than we do. But the support from our school is what gets me through. Every time I look up there's either a sweet note or treat in my box. The PTA is always setting up lunch, snacks, or coffee. 

Staff members are always offering to help or surprising one another. A hug in the hallway can act as a reset button. Drama is going to happen everywhere. It's the nature of the job. But I'm glad that I'm in a place where people rally around each other the way that we do. 

Today is the first day of fall break and I find myself missing my students already. I hope they come back with exciting stories about their holiday. We have been discussing in class all the things we are thankful for. Today, I just wanted to take a minute to say how thankful I am that Suter isn't just a building I share with coworkers. It's a family. 


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