Goodbye Green Pool
KIDDIE POOL OWNERS!! A couple of years ago we had one of those plastic kiddie pools. The thing was a nightmare. Every other day I had to pull out the hose and the deck brush to get the green slime off. Then I had to refill it which seemed like a monumental waste of water. Let's just say that when the pool broke I was not sad to see it go. Fast forward to last month. Grandma B got Leland a pool for his birthday. It's really awesome! It has a water cannon and other cool features. The boys were very excited. Well it only took two days for me to remember what a huge amount of work a kiddie pool is. Every 2-3 days I'd have to bail out all that water, clean the bottom, and refill. I was to the point I was considering pouring in a capful a bleach to see if that would help. I was desperate. I wanted a way to keep the green out, but I also wanted the boys to be safe. I found a post about using vinegar. It said to put 1/2 - 1 cup of vinegar in a day depending on the size of ...