Will the Gifted Parents Please Stand Up?

I always thought my oldest son was bright, but I'm pretty sure most parents think highly of their kids. A few months into Kindergarten his teacher called me to the side and recommended he be tested for the gifted program. And so our gifted journey began...

In second grade he went to PATS periodically, and by third grade his entire class was comprised of gifted students. I don't know if all schools work that way, but he happens to go to an excellent school. His fourth and fifth grade classes were full of gifted kids who enjoyed a challenge.

He signs up for all the academic extracurricular activities he can because they are fun and motivating for him. Most of his friends are involved in the same things. Every once in a while I will hear a parent talk about a scholarship or program that is available to apply or sign up for, but there really is no road map for this journey.

I get that eventually these kids will be competing against each other for jobs, but right now they are just elementary school students who need more in that department. They require all the academic stimulation they can get to keep them interested. Isn't it our job to provide that?

So why does it feel like all the info on additional programs is hush hush? Where is the Facebook group for parents of gifted kids? How does anyone know what they are doing?

Here's are some examples. A friend of mine told me about a summer math program for outgoing fifth graders that her friends told her about. Then a school board member told me about a program for middle schoolers to earn certifications that look good on college applications because we scrolled by a section about it at my little one's IEP meeting. How are you supposed to find those things?

How many opportunities is my kid going to miss out on because I simply don't know where to get the information from? If there are Facebook groups for how to style your hair and how to get your kid to poop, where are the ones helping parents pave the way for the future of their children?

Don't get me wrong. I am not overbearing. I would never ask my son to join a group or activity because it will look good on paper. It is, however, my job to gather all the information on the things so he can decide for himself what interests him.

Am I the only one who thinks the parents with seniority should be helping the newbies out? Or maybe there is a group somewhere and I just don't know the secret handshake. Where have all the gifted parents gone? If you find them, let me know. We'll probably be at practice for Math Team, Science Team, or Battle of the Books.


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