Olive Essentials

Olive Essentials 

Who saw Olive Essentials on the new product list from Convention and thought, "That's cool, but why do I need it?"

Here's why:

A daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in olive oil, helps block the damaging impacts of omega-6 that we take in daily. We consume 20-30 times the necessary amount through cheap, convenient, processed food causing inflammation within our bodies.

Recent studies have found that omega-3 can lead to a reduction of abnormal inflammation and restore cellular function within the body.

Long term omega-3 supplementation coupled with restriction of omega-6 has been shown to improve cognitive function, reduce neuroinflammation, and increase brain cell production.

Maintaining a healthy ratio of omega-3:omega-6 fatty acids is critical in normal physical functioning, inflammation control, and long term health.


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