Treat Yourself The Way You See Others
Of course the answers are no. He has never given me any reason to feel that way. It's just the devil climbing in my head playing games. But it got me thinking that if I don't see the ways he's changed physically, then maybe he doesn't see the ways I have. Maybe love really is blind to negativity.
Here's an example: I am deathly afraid of being on a Facebook Live, but I watch my friends do it all the time. I'm always excited to see them go on, and let me tell you, I only ever think positively about them. "Oh, I love the way she did her hair" or "That is the cutest shirt!" I never even think about whether they are wearing makeup or if they look tired or if they've gained 10 pounds.
When I look at my friends I don't see wrinkles, weight, stretch marks or cellulite. I see their smiles and the way they laugh. I see all the parts of their personalities, not their physical differences. Now we all know negative people who are rude and point out every little thing to complain about people, but they are few and far between. And those people aren't really worth a second thought anyway.
So if the mass majority of people see you the way you see them, then maybe you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but it sure would free up a lot of time and energy. Wouldn't it? From now on, I challenge you to treat yourself the way you see others. It just might change your life.
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