YL Member Compliance

When I first became a Young Living member I was given a list of "Hot Words" to avoid when sharing with others about Young Living. The list got shoved in a pile of other things I got with my kit, and I didn't give it much thought. As I started sharing my story with others in hopes my friends would improve their lives like I had, I started getting messages from my enroller about words I had used that were unacceptable. Grrr! It quickly became a source of severe frustration for me.

The FDA has made it clear that we are not to make claims that our products treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. We are also not allowed to diagnose or prescribe anything. We cannot in any way discuss symptoms when sharing YL with others. Everyone's body is different and therefore responds to oils in a different way. Just because an oil does something for me, that doesn't mean someone else will respond to it the same way.

As a mom and a writer being compliant was aggravating. I would agonize over what word to use in a post, until one day I realized it wasn't bothering me anymore. I hadn't worried about my word choice in weeks. I changed my way of thinking, and everything just seemed to fall into place. Think of it like this...we don't "fix" things, we "support" them. So, lavender supports healthy skin. Breathe Again supports a healthy respiratory system. Thieves supports wellness. Progessence Plus supports healthy hormones. Does that make sense? For a list of "Say this, not that" go here.

You may think to yourself that you see things online all the time that aren't compliant. Well, other companies don't educate their members as well as Young Living. And some people are just rule breakers. Plus, FDA compliance was not always a thing. So older posts may not have been taken down, even though they should have been.

Why is compliance important? If Young Living does not adhere to the rules set forth by the FDA, they can be shut down. There are people who go through individual and group Facebook pages, as well as websites to check for compliance. If YL catches you sharing about their products using non-compliant language, they can deactivate your Young Living account. That may seem extreme to some, but it's not worth risking their business on. If it were my company, I would do the same thing.

If you are struggling with what is acceptable to share, you can reach out to your enroller. If you have been posting for a while and are unsure, you can go back and search your YL posts and check them for compliance.

Just as Young Living rewards us all the time, the FDA has rewarded our compliance. Gary Young was so awesome at working with the FDA and following their guidelines, that we are excited to announce so FDA approved products. Thieves Cough Drops can now be used to treat cough. Our Mineral Sunscreen can be said to prevent cancer. And we now have an FDA approved acne treatment.

Just remember any time you get frustrated that we stay compliant for a reason. Also any time you recommend an oil for ingestion, make sure you specify the Vitality line (even though it's the same oil that's in the 15 ml bottle).


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