Our Oily Beginning

Last year our toddler spent the majority of his time below the wellness line. It was hard on the whole family. Watching your child struggle despite your efforts is unbelievably stressful. We had taken him to the doctor many times and tried all of their suggestions. Some of the medications we tried had horrific side effects.

One of my friends is a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils. She had recommended the oils to me several times and had recommended I buy the starter kit for $160. To say that we live on a budget is the understatement of the century. Some people live from paycheck to paycheck. We live from paycheck to four days before the next paycheck. The $160 might as well have been $1000 because we there was no way we could afford it.

My friend and I had been messaging back and forth about my son. She asked what we had planned for the day, and I told her where we were headed next. She said she'd meet me there. I was in with the doctor when she arrived, so I sent my husband out to meet her. He brought back a couple of informational brochures and two little bottles that would completely change our lives. I put the oils on my son before buckling his car seat for the ride home. At home, my husband brought him inside saying he could already see a difference. We continued to use the oils several times a day, and in a week he was like a different child.

We were given Breathe Again, R.C. and Raven to support healthy lung function and a healthy respiratory system. A month or so later we bought the starter kit with money we had been given for Christmas by family.

Little did I know, that was only the beginning of our oily journey....


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