Kids Can Be a Pain In the Butt, Literally

Once upon a time, mothers all over the country were taken for granted. No one understood or appreciated how much work went into being a mom. Now though, we are being inundated with memes on Facebook taking notice of all the various jobs that go along with motherhood. I stay at home with my kids, so I get it. I eat, sleep, and breathe my kids. So much so, I feel like I have lost myself in all of this. It's worth it though. I mean it's my responsibility to make it all about them. This phase doesn't last forever.

I am fully aware of all the chores and tasks this particular job entails. My little blessings can be quite a pain in the butt. The other day I was reminded of a different kind situation that moms endure regularly but never speak of. That is the physical pain we put up with from our children. Generally there is lots of getting run into and banged on. There are pokes in the eye and bruises, and tons of pulled hair.

The other day we decided to take the boat out. It was a beautiful day. My two year old fell asleep on me. I was already a bit uncomfortable, but somehow I managed to slip into this angled position where my back was in immense pain. My lower back was stuck. I looked down at his sweet little face and knew that I didn't want to wake him up. My husband noticed my suffering and managed to slip a cushion under me. That did wonders for my butt, but my back was still screaming. I knew that my little one's naps were shorter on the boat, so I made the decision to stick it out (being stuck literally anyway) until he woke up. I had survived two cesareans, I could handle this for 40 minutes...deep breaths. To distract myself, I let my mind wander about the pain that I was in. This is just one of many times that I have had to grit my teeth through an experience so as not to bother my kids. This is the part of motherhood that no one tells you about. This is the part that doesn't get discussed. The pain that we endure for our children that they will never know of. That once it's done, we fail to remember. The moments that we give of ourselves fully and completely for them make us amazing mothers. And while the running and cleaning and folding and cooking can be overwhelming and demanding, it's our love for those children and the willingness to do whatever it takes, that makes us special.


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