Sometimes Life Remains the Same

We have come so far from where we were a year ago, but things are still hard. I can't imagine a time when they won't be true. In some ways, the more things change the more they stay the same. For every challenge we overcome there is one waiting in the wings to take its place. Does it really ever get easier or do circumstances just change? 

Don't get me wrong, Leland's speech is an absolute gift. And we are not stuck in that hell that consumed everything. But from where we are now, is it just a sea of strife? The tide comes in and goes out, and it comes in and goes out. Our life just constantly trading one struggle for another? 

I'm hoping that one day we will start to move forward to a life where everyone isn't always stressed out. I am so proud of my little man. I just want to make things easier for him. It's not fair. I want to charge ahead and clear a path. But instead we must hold his hand and walk through it together... As a family... At his pace. 


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