Goodbye Green Pool


A couple of years ago we had one of those plastic kiddie pools. The thing was a nightmare. Every other day I had to pull out the hose and the deck brush to get the green slime off. Then I had to refill it which seemed like a monumental waste of water. Let's just say that when the pool broke I was not sad to see it go.

Fast forward to last month. Grandma B got Leland a pool for his birthday. It's really awesome! It has a water cannon and other cool features. The boys were very excited. Well it only took two days for me to remember what a huge amount of work a kiddie pool is. Every 2-3 days I'd have to bail out all that water, clean the bottom, and refill. I was to the point I was considering pouring in a capful a bleach to see if that would help. I was desperate.

I wanted a way to keep the green out, but I also wanted the boys to be safe. I found a post about using vinegar. It said to put 1/2 - 1 cup of vinegar in a day depending on the size of the pool. Plus, skim out the bugs and leaves as needed. Y'ALL! Where has this news been all my life?! Today is day 6. (and I totally forgot to add the vinegar yesterday 🤦) The water is starting to get murky and change colors. It's ready to be changed, but it doesn't look like a swamp! And I'll sure take changing it every 6 days rather than every 2-3.

Share with your fellow pool owners!

Disclaimer: The post said that vinegar is a natural weed killer and may damage your grass when you empty the pool. The tree company that came killed most of our grass, so that doesn't really bother me. AND I've tried to kill weeds with vinegar before and it didn't work, so idk that it would do that being that diluted. Use at your own risk!


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