Take The Time

Life has gotten soooo busy! Some days I literally feel like I have no time to even breathe. I work from home, so it seems like I should have a substantial amount of leisure time with my kids that other people don't have. That's not true though.

I do still have a job that demands my time. There are errands and cleaning and waiting on my children's every need. The days seem to fly by in flash, and they are gone before we know it. Each day brings new hopes and expectations that often go unfulfilled.

We are doing it though. We are pushing through the mud of life every day praying for a better future. Our kids are happy, proving that we aren't failing as miserably as it feels. Nap times are usually filled with house cleaning or the frantic writing of articles the kids wouldn't allow me to work on earlier.

It easy to use that break in time to catch up on things undone, and it is often necessary. Do me a favor though, every once in a while take the time to lay beside them and cherish all that they are. One day they will gone, and you will wish you had spent all your time there, beside them.

Admire those cute little toes. They are so much smaller than your older child's, yet they have grown so much since the tiny ones that accompanied you home from the hospital. Brush up against that velvet skin that will change so much in the coming years. Just be there.

In the journey of life everyone is racing toward something. There are milestones to hit, lessons to be learned, and goals to reach for. Stop for a minute, and take the time to appreciate them where they are, with no expectations, only love.


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