Oil Tolerance and Diffuser Directions

Did you know that our bodies don't "get used to" or develop a tolerance to essential oils? Essential oils  do not work the same way as pharmaceuticals. Our bodies are organic and ever-changing. How well an oil works for you is based on many factors, including how healthy you are and how acidic your body is.

Have you ever used an oil for its therapeutic properties for several days or weeks only to find that it doesn't seem to be affecting you as well? I have done that many times with myself  and with my children . Quite simply, it's not the oil that has changed, it is our bodies.

I recommend doing your best to keep your body alkaline, stay away from toxins, and live a healthy, clean lifestyle. In addition to that, if you have specific oils you use regularly to support your health, you may want to start collecting other oils that are similar in action. It's likely that certain oils will work better for you on different days  or times .

For example, we use all the respiratory support oils for our son. So we always have Breathe Again, R.C., and Raven on hand. If we don't see the typical action with one, we switch to a different oil. Problem solved. If you need help finding other oils with similar action to the ones you use, you can contact your enroller.

The diffuser directions  on a bottle of YL essential oils are not a restriction!

There is an abundance of misinformation  online about essential oils. When I first started using essential oils I had a healthy dose of respect for the extreme potency I had heard so much about. I read these directions as a limitation like you would on a bottle of medicine. I quickly learned that while there are some basic safety rules, the oils aren't nearly as dangerous as I had thought. All of my friends were letting their diffusers run until they shut off by themselves, so that's what I did. I never had any problems.

So why are the directions written this way? The directions reflect how long you should diffuse the oil to get the therapeutic benefits  of it. In my house we not only use oils for their therapeutic properties but their aroma as well. We diffuse oils as a healthy, toxic free alternative to candles and plug-ins. It's perfectly safe to run your diffuser for all your aromatic needs as long as you have it in an area that children and pets can move freely in and out of, you don't diffuse the same oil all the time, and you clean your diffuser regularly.


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