Mother's Day

Mother's Day is upon us. Much of the country is celebrating with lunch outings, flowers, and hugs. For some of us though, Mother's Day is complicated. It comes with a wide range of emotions all at once.

Some of us don't have the traditional relationship with our mothers. Some have more than one mother. Many have women in our lives that very much mother us, but they aren't actually related. All of those apply to me. 

I was raised by my adoptive mom. Some of it had hearts and flowers, but the journey wasn't perfect. I spent a time raising myself and my little sister. We don't talk anymore, but it doesn't mean that I don't mourn the past every time I think of her.

In the time after that my ex-boyfriend's mom was a mom to me. In several ways she was better at it than my mom. Certainly she was more supportive and reliable. And she remains a pillar in my life twenty years later.

Six years ago I found my birth mom. She is a beautiful soul. She is funny, thoughtful, practical and honest. All the things a mom should be. We missed so many years together. She's not local so we don't see or talk to each other nearly as often as we should, even though I think about her all the time.

And then there's my job as a mom. These two precious boys of mine are a gift. They also drive me and each other crazy every day. They have given me the most important job ever. I take that very seriously. I aim to hodge podge all of the love I've been given in this life to support them and help them reach their goals. While also begging every day that they throw their trash away and use the hamper.

So here's to all the moms out there whose kids fill them with joy today. Even if it is shaded ever so slightly by a complicated history. 


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