
You hear others talk all the time about avoiding toxins. It sounds healthy, right? But can we really stay away from them if they are in the air, water, food, and products? If toxins are everywhere, is it really important to reduce them? Would that little bit even matter?


Let me give you one reason it's SO important.  MTHFR gene mutations are found in people worldwide. In some ethnicities the chance of having one mutation is as high as 50%.

The MTHFR gene is responsible for producing an enzyme that converts folic acid to methylfolate, a bioavailable form of vitamin B9. Nutrient deficiencies of Vitamin B6, B12, and folate increase homocysteine levels cause inflammation in the body. People with MTHFR variants should supplement with folate to avoid the possibility of toxicity from synthetic folic acid.

Having a MTHFR variant decreases glutathione production in the body. Glutathione plays a major role in the body's detoxification of harmful, disease-causing toxins. Disorders such as autism, ADHD, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and others have been linked to MTHFR.

Basically, it means if you have the MTHFR variant(s) your body can not properly rid itself of toxins. It stores them in the body and can make you sick. Most of you have no idea if you have it or not. I know that I have it, and so do both of my kids.

Knowing that our bodies don't filter correctly makes it imperative to limit the amount of toxins that go in and on our bodies in whatever ways I can. Are we going to be 100% toxin free? Of course not, because there are many things that we can't control. BUT, I can control what goes on in my home, and so can you.

This is why toxin free living is so incredibly important. If you need help getting started, let us know.


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