Let Holiday Stress Go

So many people get completely overwhelmed this time of year. Most of the stress is piled on by us based on other people's expectations. Let those expectations go. I want you to close your eyes, clear your thoughts and picture only what brings you joy during the holidays.

For me it's lights on the house, a decorated Christmas tree, watching Christmas movies as a family, and sending out Christmas cards with a picture of the boys. And that's exactly what we do every year. If we can squeeze in a trip to go see lights or go see Santa, then that's great. If we can't I'm not gonna stress it.

We had a heck of a time finding Christmas pajamas for the boys to have their photo taken in this year. Since Jordan was born we have been taking pics at Christmas in pajamas. It's always been adorable. As the boys have gotten older we have moved from print pj's to character ones. They get to pick out the ones they like and be a part of the process. When we started looking and couldn't find any I didn't freak out, which is rare for someone with anxiety. I just shrugged and said they could use the ones from last year or we could use this picture I took of them decorating the tree. I send Christmas cards with photos every year because it's something that makes me happy. If at any time it becomes a point of stress I'll cut it loose.

These kids are only small for so long. I get that money issues can be stressful in December and being around family can be emotionally draining. For those who have lost someone this time of year, Christmas can seem very painful. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop doing what they do just so you don't feel like you're missing out. And stop comparing this holiday season to previous ones. This is the one we are in here and now. Do what makes you and your family happy. Let everything else go. Time is not something that we are guaranteed, so enjoy your life the way you want to. And make this Christmas a very merry one. 


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