Choose Sanity This Holiday Season


I really struggle this time of year with traditions. For all of my parents' faults, they did manage to make this time of year magical. Thanksgiving was one of my favorite holidays. I looked forward to a table full of yummy food we only had in November. I enjoyed listening to my mom, aunt, and Granny in the kitchen preparing food and telling stories. I never learned how to make the dishes because they were supposed to be around forever. 

As I got older the holidays got really hectic. We were going to five different places for Thanksgiving and Christmas just to see everyone. I started dreading the festive months because they were so busy and stressful. The kids didn't have any time to spend with their gifts before we had to rush off. It just wasn't fun anymore. 

Later, our family broke apart and there were a lot less of us meeting for holidays. I was fine with that. I made my own choices. But, that warm holiday feeling I grew up with was gone. There were no more family stories. No more family recipes. We honestly don't know how to make those foods, and it's not like my kids would eat them anyway. We still visit other family, but I can't help but feel like I have failed my kids in this area. We do our best to create some of our own traditions. 

After Leland was born, going places became incredibly difficult. I chased him the whole time before finally toting him out kicking and screaming. Those were not good days. We went into survival mode and decided we had to take care of ourselves. We missed a family gathering here or there. It wasn't because we didn't want to go. We were doing the best we could for our own sanity. 

I encourage you to do the same this holiday season. Take care of yourself first. If you can't make it everywhere, don't ruin your day feeling guilty. If your kid won't eat anything but chips all day, roll with it. If you have family that doesn't show up, don't take it personally. There are only so many hours in a day. Spend it making memories in whatever way works for you. 


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