
Essential oils have 2 jobs in the body. They destroy synthetics and regulate us back to homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the world outside.

Optimum homeostasis involves healthy heart rate, blood pressure, body temp, fluid and electrolyte balance, appetite, glandular secretions, production of hormones, and sleep cycles. It also keeps your inflammatory system in balance.

Essential oils are compatible with human proteins and are similar in chemical structure to human cells. The components have a variety of effects to help your body reach the goal of homeostasis.

Each person's body chemistry is different. That's why some oils work better on some people but not on others. Have you ever heard someone say that an oil didn't work for them? What they really mean is that the oil didn't produce the specific effect they were looking for. What it did do was work towards homeostasis in the body. An essential oil used is NEVER wasted.

Now what about calming oils that wake you up? In beginning users the oils will excite the cells. It wakes them up to tell them they need to get busy, and then a detox effect occurs. After a few uses, the body will adjust and it will no longer have the same effect.

Don't ever give up on an oil after one use. Keep in mind that oils work best when used in a proactive way instead of a reactive one. Sometimes it takes trying many different oils or blends to find one that targets your specific issue the way that you want. I promise in the end it will be worth it.


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