YL Cookware

Let's chat about cookware. I just watched The Devil We Know, a documentary that a friend recommended to me. I highly suggest you watch it too. It's currently available on Netflix.

The film is about the dangers of Teflon and how the company knowingly put the health of everyone on Earth at risk. It's very much the same situation as Monsanto and GMO seeds. They can't be taken back, and the damage cannot be undone. It was shocking and appalling to watch, and I was left feeling very lost as to what I should use to cook for my family safely.

Did y'all know Young Living sells cookware??

All the cookware is made from titanium, cast aluminum, and glass. The pans have no screws or rivets on the handles to cause you problems later. All the pans are oven safe. The glass lids and steamer are heat-resistant and shatter resistant.

Before I even read the details, I knew they would be safe to use. Young Living has continued to add to the health and wellness of my family, and this is just another step in the right direction. Next time you want to splurge on a treat for your family, get them something they'll benefit from all year long.

Plus they have a 20 year warranty, so you'll only ever have to buy them once.


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