Omg y'all! What a day!

Those of you who have known me forever probably remember me as the outspoken, spunky person I used to be. I wish I was still that person. For the last three years I have had terrible social anxiety. Well, I have anxiety in general now, but social functions are a real problem. I start days in advance mentally preparing for the events that I RSVP to. I hold my breathe as my heart races and pray for it to be over. It's not that I don't love my friends and their friends. It's just that there are too many things going on, and way too many of them are beyond my control.

So we got invited to a Sky Zone Birthday party for one of Monkey's classmates. Monkey was super excited, and I knew I couldn't let him down. We went, and I tried my best to keep Frog busy and safe for the duration of the party. It went well but was not without challenges. He kept jumping right on top of other kids. He screamed at some child in the foam pit for no reason, and then he hit a little boy who was passing by.

The intercom announced that it was time to go to the party room. Woo-hoo, we survived! Almost...... Frog ate a piece of pizza and just a bit of the icing off the top of an Oreo cake, and then he vomited all over the table where the other kids were eating. Surprisingly, I sprang into mom action mode. I stripped the child with record speed and cleaned up the mess. I told Monkey we were going to car and to come out when he was done. My anxiety may have had me internally freaking out with all sorts of things that didn't happen, but what did happen is that we will forever be known as the party puker and his mom. What a wonderful way to start the school year.

So here's a little bit of info for those of you who see me at parties or events... If I'm hiding in a corner it's not because I don't want to hang out with you. It's because I have the kids who don't listen, despite all of my efforts. They are loud. They are rough. And if I'm not holding onto them, they will end up in the road. If I don't talk to you, it's not because I don't want to be your friend. It's because I'm sure I'll say something awkward that will play over and over in my mind for days. It's not that I think you are judging me, it's just that I am judging me enough for the both of us.

Disclaimer: This photo is from a previous day when Frog did not throw up on himself.


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