Never a Dull Moment

Do you ever think of a word or phrase that just gets stuck in your head? The other day I was talking to my husband, and the phrase "never a dull moment" popped into my head. The thought just sat there, taunting me. What I wouldn't give for a dull moment.

I could have been contemplating the craziness of kids in general or the hustle and bustle of school or sports. That's not what I had in mind though. We were discussing Frog's health. It is always something. Between his asthma and his tummy troubles, his speech delay and catastrophic meltdowns I just feel lost all the time. It's like a puzzle I have all the pieces to I just don't know how to put it together.

Diet changes, oils, prescription medications, and supplements fill my days. My brain is frantically on overload. What's different about today? Do I give him this or that? Did he eat something that caused this? Did this make it worse? Did that help or not? It's a constant weighing of symptoms and treatments and a whirlwind of research on this site and that. My phone is filled with screenshots of suggestions from other parents about what is helping their children.

Why does everything have to cost so much? I could do so much more of I could get him all the different things his body needs. Why does decent food have to be so expensive? We shouldn't have to be rich to afford healthy food that's not full of chemicals, genetically modified ingredients, or hormones.

Some days feel completely hopeless, but I have worked and will work every day to try to help him and make him better. It may take all of my energy and time, but I will push through because he needs me. I just hope one day I will be able to look back at this as a bad memory. Until then I will appreciate every dull moment I can get.


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