Go Back To School, My Love

"Back to school" time marks an important chapter in your life every year. It's a time of excitement and anticipation for all the things that await you. There are friendships to be made and skills to learn. The air is thick with eagerness and pride. I'm so fortunate to be able to watch you grow and learn.

This milestone is also bittersweet. A door has closed behind you, and only the most precious memories from then will carry on. This journey you must make without me, but I will always be right here. I will guide your mistakes into lessons and always remind you to be kind.

I wonder if you'll ever know how proud I am of you. Every triumph you make causes tears of joy to well up in my eyes, and I try desperately to rid them so as not to embarrass you. I'm going to be that mom, the one who is always cheering for you, even when the rest of the world is quiet.

I hold your small hand in mine on the way up to the school, fearful of the day you won't want me to anymore. As I wish you well at the door I know that you will be taken care of by teachers who foster hope and inspire your dreams. That knowledge leaves me with peace. 

I remember when you first started attending school. I quickly discovered that you weren't merely an extension of myself, but rather your own person with unique gifts and challenges. You were ready to take on the world. In fact, you still are. So, go back to school, my love. Enjoy your adventures, and know that I will always be here. 


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