Turning 40

It's been a minute since I've been inspired to write anything. Summer for most people is a time for vacations, sun and friends. For me, it's a time to rest and recharge. We have so many things going on during the school year that time seems rushed. There's always somewhere to be and something to do. It's nice to slow down and just enjoy being at home with the people I care the most about. We read a ton of books and snuggle to watch movies. We play cards and board games for hours. But my writing cap has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust and it's time to pick it up for a minute to mark an impending milestone. 

I'm turning 40 on Tuesday and honestly, it feels weird. How am I 40? I feel like a younger person trapped in this aging body. Like all the other people around me are genuine adults and I'm pretending to be one. Is this what our parents felt like at 40? 

It really seemed like they had it more together. I guess their lives looked easy because we couldn't see all of their worry and exhaustion. As children, we weren't privy to all the behind the scenes hustling that life requires. We didn't notice all the details, just the big picture. 

A wise friend once noted that I have lived many different lives during this one. Anyone who truly knows me knows that is absolutely true. And I am very thankful for all the paths I have traveled. Here are some of the lessons I've learned in the past 40 years:

- You can choose not to be a victim.

- It's ok to change the course of your life.

- You deserve love, respect, and happiness. 

- Expect to grow as you learn.

- Sometimes you have to make hard decisions to protect your peace. 

Life is a gift. I'm lucky to have a wonderful family (made of a hodgepodge of people) and a job that I love. I intend on spending the next 40 years living in the moment and truly enjoying those around me. 

I'll leave you with a quote from a country song (yes, you read that right lol) that I haven't heard since elementary school. It popped into my head while I was writing this and it seems fitting… 

"Life's a dance you learn as you go

Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

Don't worry about what you don't know

Life's a dance you learn as you go."


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