Why Young Living Oils Work Better

Why YL Oils Work Better

Scented fragrances are everywhere. Most people use them in candles or plug-ins without even considering they might be contributing to headaches, hormone imbalances, and/or depression. The popularity of synthetic fragrances effected the essential oil world.

Most essential oils companies have a sweeter smelling aroma to their oils in order to compete with the fragrance industry. YL processes the plant through their distillation stills. That's it. The result is an unadulterated, pure, botanical essential oil. The oil smells the same as the plant.

Other companies take that raw oil and distill it additional times to remove the heavier, earthier smelling molecules. You end up with an oil that has therapeutic qualities, but it does not have action as deep or long-lasting as the original, true, un-fractionated oil.

Think of the difference between raw coconut oil, which is solid at room temperature, and fractionated coconut oil, which is liquid at room temperature. Those carrier oils are not the same. Essential oils work the same way.

Very few companies have true botanical oil. All of our direct competitors use fractionated oils. It's obvious from the aroma. Using fractionated oils in your home is a much healthier choice than synthetic fragrances, but if you want essential oils that are going to have therapeutic actions that benefit your family's health and wellness, choose Young Living!

How can you tell if your oils are fractionated? Use Jen O'Sullivan's smell test. Bring a few oils like Lavender and Peppermint to a local nursery. Ask for the same species plant as you have in oil. Place a drop of oil on one hand and gently crush some of the plant's leaves with the other. Compare the two. Does the oil smell sweeter? If so, then it's fractionated. Use can test Lemon against a lemon rind.


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