Don't Diffuse THAT Oil!

Don't diffuse THAT oil!
How many times have you seen someone using an inexpensive, store bought oil and tried to educate them on the importance of oil purity? A common response is, "Well I only diffuse it."

Some people think aromatherapy is simply smelling an aroma that makes you feel warm  and fuzzy, and therefore it relaxes ☺️ you. That may be a part of it, but let's look at the science.

When you inhale the scent of an oil straight out of the bottle or through the diffuser you are actually breathing in tiny molecules through your nose into the limbic system in your brain.  The limbic system is responsible for your memory, emotions, adrenals, etc. (That's why the smell of fresh baked cookies  can remind you of Grandma's house.) That system is directly connected to the part of your brain that controls your heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure.

I don't know about you, but if I am smelling something directly into my brain, I definitely do not want it to contain chemicals or synthetics. There is no regulation on the use of the phrase "100% pure essential oil." It can be used as long as in contains some amount of pure oil, regardless of what else it contains.

Dr. Oli performed an EEG on himself and watched the results in real time while he smelled various oils from the Young Living PSK. He found that it only takes 2-3 seconds for the limbic system of the brain to respond to respond to the inhaled oil molecules. The response went immediately from the limbic system to other areas of the brain. Peppermint lit up the frontal portion well, while lemon showed well in the temporal region. Thieves and Digize lit up the right and left sides of the brain.

According to Dr. Oli, "The brain is 2% of our body weight, but uses 20% of our energy."

If the essential oils that we are diffusing are directly and immediately effecting our brains, and subsequently other parts of our body, don't we want to those oils to be completely free of synthetics?


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