Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Hello! I'm Ashley, and this is my blog. I'm so glad you have found me here. Writing has been therapeutic for me. Since it seems like I'll be here often, I felt it was time to introduce myself. You can follow along with me through this crazy roller coaster of a life. I am married to a man who has always been my biggest fan, and most days he's the only one who holds me together. We have been together for almost 14 years, and I still enjoy (almost) every minute of him. I end each day wishing I had seen him more.

I have two small-ish kids. We sometimes refer to our 9 year old Jordan as "Monkey." Leland, our 3 year old is "Frog." I have three bonus kids that we refer to as "the big kids.

I have a pretty large extended family if you count my biological and adoptive families. Truthfully, the people I consider "family" are a mixture of the two. There are members of each who truly care and are present in our lives. The others I choose not to worry about.

I have recently discovered Young Living Essential Oils. I'll admit I have become slightly obsessed, but when I find something that improves the health and wellness of my family, I'm all in! I do not sell Young Living products. I am a wholesale member, so I receive a 24% discount on everything I order. I also have the privilege of earning free products through their optional monthly order.

Once I discovered the huge benefits of their products to my family, I knew they would be a monthly purchase. As a super thrifty mom, using their Essential Rewards monthly ordering was the only way that made sense financially. When you become a member of Young Living, you not only save money, but you also gain a super helpful support system to guide you on your journey to a healthy life. As a member I love to enroll and sponsor others who are looking to start their oily journey. If you have questions, you can email me here.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog and get to know my family. Til next time....


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