Check-in Friend


So here's the thing... I'm the "check-in" friend. It's ok if we are friends or family and we go long periods of time without hanging out or whatever. But I'm always the one that pops in every few weeks with a funny meme or a "you alive, ho" message. You know why? Because I need my friends and family. There aren't a whole lot of people who are active in my life, and I'd like to keep the ones I have. And if I didn't check in I'd never talk to anyone. So the other day I got frustrated thinking about someone in particular and my stubborn Leo side came out. I said to myself, "You know what? I'm not doing it. It's always me. I am not gonna be the one to reach out this time. If she wants to talk to me, she knows where I am." 

But here's the catch... It's a really hard habit to break. I didn't expect that. For days I've been having to stop myself from messaging her. I'm so used to being the one who does it. I know people are busy and have lives. Lord knows I am well aware that life is messy and hard. But when you care about someone you make the time to send a five second message every couple of weeks. So, here's my PSA: if you are a friend who is always the "checkee", step into the role of "checker" every once in a while. I promise it will be appreciated.


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