ADHD Truths

You've seen the posts online about how ADHD is a made up diagnosis and our kids just need extra recess. I used to think there was a speck of truth there, until I had a child with ADHD. I can't stay silent anymore while people post such garbage. I'm gonna share some of our story and address a few thoughts that are roaming around the internet. My son didn't really start speaking until he was two and half. Since then he has talked a mile a minute. His brain is always going. He's contemplating his next thought before he finishes the one he's on. When he was in preschool I used to go out on the porch and cry after he went to bed because my mind was utterly exhausted from his non-stop talking. My son has always been sweet and polite, the kind of kid everybody likes. Shortly after he started Kindergarten his teacher recommended him for the gifted program. His standardized test scores were exceptional. All of his grades were great, except for his citizenship. He ...