If Your Marriage Is Work, You're Doing It Wrong

There is no shortage of blogs and posts about how much work marriage takes. Insert hard eyeroll here. Marriage is not a job. Are there difficult seasons of life to get through? Sure. Do you have to spend the rest of your life looking for all the stuff your husband lost? Of course you do. If it feels like work, you're doing it wrong. Marriage is about a partnership. It requires truly unconditional love, respect, honor, and a sense of humor. The energy between the two of you will ebb and flow. It is a constant give and take, but if you're doing it right, it stays balanced. Too often couples forget that they are supposed to be a team. Small things creep in between and become a source of anger or resentment. That is toxic to a relationship. It is never me against my husband, it is always us against the world. We live our lives together. We make plans and decisions together, and we ask each other for opinions and advice. We are more involved with each other than we are wit...