Proud of You

Well, it has been quite a year I wasn’t sure we’d even get here With all the delays listed on paper Mommy was worried about your future When I met your teacher I had to know That she’d be the one to help you grow I was taken back by the hours you’d spend But you excitedly told us about your friend I feared they couldn’t handle your personality It weighed me down til it almost drowned me Would you be safe, did they know you’d run Teachers reassured me and sent pics of you having fun The notes home help to ease my mind She describes your activities and daily grind All the time outs are as we expected Eventually we hope they’ll be corrected Seeing what you’re learning brings me joy You have turned into such a big boy No more baby things for you The time for diapers is finally through I don’t know what your path looks like But I will guide you like a light I will always hold your hand And empty all your shoes of sand Every day your works of art Do quite a number on my hear...