I Sorry I Did That

We had a few years as a family that were extremely difficult. It used to make me cry any time I talked about it, so I usually didn't. Leland's toddler years were rough. I don't mean in the terrible twos kind of way. It was more like non-stop screaming, kicking, growling, hitting, with no words kind of way. My husband and I spent countless hours researching and trying different supplements, therapies, and such. We were desperate for anything that would help. We basically stopped going places or doing things. We shopped separately so that we didn't have to take him. On his best days he was uncooperative and on his worst he was hellacious. Things always had to be his way, on his terms. It wasn't that he was being a brat, it was more like he couldn't tolerate life when it strayed from his routine or expectation. When we would go somewhere that we felt obligated to go for the holidays or wherever, it was utterly exhausting. Those days were spent chasing and figh...