Treat Yourself The Way You See Others

I was driving yesterday and it occurred to me that when I look at my husband I don't see him how he is now. I see him as he was when we first started dating. In addition to that I'd like to think that I really see him in a way that no one else does. When I look at him almost 15 years later I still see the fun, energetic guy I fell in love with all those years ago. He'll tell you that he's anything but energetic these days. In seeing him as he used to be I don't even notice the imperfections that come with aging, and that thought pointed my mind in a slightly different direction. I am extremely critical of myself. I'm hard on myself as a mother most of all, but I torture myself about my physical appearance. I mean it's pretty constant that my brain is pointing out all the things I don't like about myself. I worry about how my husband sees me. Is he disappointed that I don't look like I used to? Does the extra weight bother him the same...