Frog Update- The Results Are In

Approaching the date of Frog's three year checkup Jason and I decided to tighten up on Leland's gluten free diet. That meant no cheating whatsoever. That may sound easy to some, but you can't really explain to a small child why he can't eat the same foods as his brother. Likewise it's not fair to an older child to have him eat his favorite foods far away from his little brother. We decided though, that it was the right choice despite the challenges. About a week after we started being insanely strict we started to see improvements. Frog began sleeping better and having less stomach problems. His sleep study was scheduled for two days later. It took a while to settle him down, but he actually took the ordeal like a champ. He endured the half hour of hooking him up without much protest. We were instructed that his cannula had to stay in, so I fought with it several times in the night. Aside from some occasional fussing he slept pretty well, just as he had done t...