Validation and Anticipation

We are way late for Frog's three year checkup. I have made the appointment multiple times, but there always ends up being a problem with his insurance right before it's time. When I scheduled this upcoming appointment we were fully prepared to walk away with a diagnosis of ADHD and high functioning ASD. We have chatted with his primary doctor about his severe hyperactivity during Monkey's visits and done lots of research about his behaviors. About a month or so ago I ran across a post on Facebook by a woman talking about mouth breathing in children. It said that mouth breathing is not normal and needs to be evaluated by a specialist. Her extremely hyperactive child was seen by an ENT. After a sleep study he was diagnosed with sleep apnea and sinusitis. The child's tonsils and adenoids were removed, and they saw immediate changes in his behavior. I shared the post, and then my mother-in-law read it and shared it two weeks later. We both thought the child sounded j...