Parenting With Purpose

It's no secret that women are waiting longer to have children. When I was just out of high school, all of my friends were having kids. It was perfectly normal to start your family at 18 or 19. I almost had the jump on everybody, as I was pregnant for a while when I was 16. That just wasn't in God's plan for me at the time. While my friends were having their babies I was going to college. After college I started having some health issues that put extending our family in the back seat. After that, we just decided we weren't ready for a while. I ended up having my first son when I was 27. At the time, I looked at the 18 and 19 years olds and thought I had matured into someone who would make a better parent. To a certain extent I had figured out a lot of things that come with age, and I would be able to parent with purpose. I was ready. I had my own growing up done, and I could focus more on a child. It sounds like a beautiful thing. You wait until you have worked on y...