Pregnant Friends - Prevent Melasma

One beautiful day in April 2015, I decided to lay out in the sun in the back yard. I was exhausted from having just moved into a new house. I was a month away from giving birth, and Jordan was at school. I had gotten a lot done that day, so I decided to treat myself to a little vitamin d to recharge. I changed into my swimsuit and set my chair up in the rather small patch of sun that shown through the trees into my backyard. I applied sunscreen and played music from my phone. I was in that chair for less than 20 mins when nature called. I went into the bathroom and as I was passing the mirror, something unusual caught my eye. I looked back in the mirror and stared. I thought maybe I was seeing spots from the sudden change of light. No, no, no that was my face. My face was covered in dark spots. Almost like giant freckles covering my face. Have you read the book, Freckle Juice? I felt like I belonged in that book. I called my husband frantic. His answer was the same as always, "Goo...